Saturday, March 14, 2009

Popular words of condolence phrases

Anyone who has been unfortunate, so as to suffer the loss of their loved ones, thinks like, it is the end of the world, and will likely hear some popular words of condolences phrases. At the first thought being a friend or a well-wisher, its awfully hard to come to terms with a cruel news of someone`s death. It is indeed very difficult. But then, the onus is on us to have a sort of calming influence on the bereaving family.

This is the very moment when they need our utmost support. The problem is, I think, many of us are at a loss of words ourselves. Popular words of condolence don't come to mind as quickly as you might think. It is really hard to find the right words to use.

When to use popular words of condolence phrases

I have had some experiences where, I found that some condolence words were more popular. What I mean by popular is the fact that some of the condolence words or phrases were more helpful in calming-down the emotions of the bereaved family. I did not notice this at first, but after a couple of gatherings & our thought exchanges with the affected family, I felt like some of the words were more helpful in conveying my emotions. Those phrases or words also had a more positive impact in a sense that the mourning family became more relaxed.

How popular condolence phrases and sayings can help a family

Nothing meant more to me at that given time than, to see them in a better state of mind both physically, as well as mentally. I felt like, I was doing my job of helping the affected family, in any which way, that I can!! Popular condolence sayings can easily make some people feel better.

A lot is expected from friends and well-wishers during that time of grief. Beating all odds they have got to deliver…. no matter, how hard it really is!

Just think it this way, if you can`t help them, lessen their pain….then, who will.

So, when you have weathered the shock, try to think of ways, to help the grieving family. First & foremost, you should think of some popular condolence sayings which are popular for soothing the pain of the affected family. There upon, you should try to convey those words or phrases in a way which should be reassuring to the deceased`s family. If you are wondering, where to find those popular condolence words then, look no further… I have searched long and heard for all those words or phrases. This is my way of helping the grieving family. Here are a few of those words:

Popular condolence messages to use

* I am always by your side during these difficult times.
* The person who just passed away, would not want to see us cry.
* You(bereaving family) could not have done much and that, you did your best.
* The _______’s spirit has survived to a better existence that you'll share and reunite in some day.
* Words seem inadequate to express the sadness we feel for you and your family. We are here to help, support, and do whatever you need done.

I know that we all must die once, but still it is hard to let go of those, we love, and spend so much of our lives with. What I have presented up to now is not to be taken as a hard and fast rule but instead, as a guide, which will give words to your emotion. You should always try to lend a personal touch to any such popular words of condolence phrases and sayings and ideas & the ideas, that I have suggested.

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